Hi, I’m Wendy Haynes, your local Weight Management Expert & Educator.

After conquering bulimia and the shame and anti-social behaviour associated with it, I understand how hard it is to regain a normal relationship with food. I’m here to guide and support you through your weight loss journey and I understand there is no one size fits all approach to weight loss. I offer individualised science-based strategies with a focus on mindset, behaviour around food, metabolic health, and food and movement as medicine.

I suffered in silence for over 7 years before I really started my fight toward better health. I tried several ways to end this health-damaging behaviour. I visited a psychologist, a dietician, but though it might have helped for a very short while, I still walked out of their office, called into the supermarket for my binge favourites, and parked myself in front of the television and gorged myself.  This kind of behaviour is so deflating, humiliating, and a vicious roller-coaster of emotions – What is wrong with me?

I decided to take matters into my own hands and look for answers.

Wendy Haynes

I have read several great books that gave me a better understanding as to why I ended up having bulimia. 

But the breakthrough came when I decided to study.  I love learning so I first studied nutrition all the while having  episodes of bulimia – binge & purge cycles. But I needed to understand why I kept doing something that just wasn’t me.

I did more reading, see the recommended reading list below. It was only when I enrolled at TAFE to study fitness and an online course – Certificate IV in Weight Management and learned about the ketogenic diet, and how to do it the right way, did I really started to change my relationship with food.

I look back and know exactly when things changed. I had a big birthday approaching and I did what most of us do to lose weight – low-fat, low calorie. Sure I lost the weight, I only had 5 kilograms to lose but from then I started getting undeniable cravings.

Within weeks, after the big birthday, I couldn’t resist all the wrong foods – processed foods high in fat, sugar, and salt. This is where I started to balloon to 16 kilograms more than I had ever weighed in my life. 

I’m sure my story resonates with many women who have been on the weight loss roller-coaster. Consider weight loss in a different light. How would you feel if you could lose weight steadily with no cravings, feeling satisfied, and not deprived?

Come join my program and be guided through the science-based ketogenic diet. You’re only one step away from success.

Recommended Reading

Intuitive Eating, Evelyn Tribole, Elyse Resch

The Bulimia Method, Ali & Richard Kerr

Brain over Binge, Kathryn Hansen

Overcoming Binge Eating, Dr. Christopher G. Fairburn

The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living, Jeff S. Volek, PhD, RD & Stephen D. Phinney, MD, PhD

The Obesity Code, Jason Fung, MD

Always Hungry?, David Ludwig, MD, PhD

Your Body in Balance, Neal Barnard, MD

Fibre Fuelled, Dr. Will Bulsiewicz

The Clever Guts Diet, Dr. Michael Mosley

The Fast Diet, Dr Michael Mosley & Mimi Spencer

Atomic Habits, James Clear


Certificate IV in Weight Management – The Australian College of Weight Management 

Certificate in Nutrition – The Nutrition Institute Australia

Certificate IV in Fitness – TAFE NSW

Certificate in Diabetes Essentials – Diabetes Australia

Certificate IV in Training and Assessment

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